About us
Thank you for visiting!
I don't know what to wear.
Visiting a new place can be intimidating, and we completely understand! Although you will find several different styles, from formal to relaxed, we all share a sense of family in common. In short, we would love to see you with us!
I haven't been to church in years.
We have several who have come back or visited for the first time in years, and we understand how you feel. When you arrive, you'll walk into a vibrate and friendly crowd that will be eager to meet you. Sit anywhere you like and be assured that you will not feel like a stranger.
I don't know when it is.
Although our start time is at 10:30 am, our friendly community may cause us to start a little late.
I don't know where I'm supposed to go.
When you arrive, walk through the front doors. There will be plenty of people standing around talking and laughing and eager to meet you. Beyond that, sit anywhere you like.
I don't know anyone who will be there.
Regardless if you are outgoing or quiet, we do not wish to make you feel uncomfortable. Either way, our goal is to help you feel like you are among family.
They don't want people like me at their church.
This couldn't be further from the truth! We welcome people of all kinds. Rocky Branch MBC is very much a family, and as families, we are all different.
I don't know what I should do with my kids.
We have a thriving Children's and youth ministry. The Children will stay with the adults until after the music is over. After the music portion of our worship service, they are welcome to remain with you or join the other children downstairs for Children's church. If you have babies, you can keep them with you or take them down to one of our nursery workers. Safety is our priority, and you are encouraged to meet with our workers and see things for yourself.
There probably won't be enough parking.
We will do everything possible to ensure that all visitors have a great place to park. We will have workers in the parking lot to direct traffic in the event of a large crowd.
I don't want to miss my family brunch.
Food with family is the best, and we understand! We start by 10:45 am and finish between 11:30 and 12:00.
If you have more questions, please reach out to Pastor Chad Morrison at pastorchadmorrison@gmail.com
our pastors:

Chad Morrison
Lead Pastor
Derek Scruggs
Associate Pastor - Outreach and Discipleship
Donnie Alexander
Youth Minister